Monday, March 7, 2011

painting portrait 1

hello folks

here's an acrylic painting i finished a couple months ago, and am now posting up here. i think it's like 18" x 36", so its one of the bigger pieces ive done. This is a photograph as opposed to a direct scan, so the full-size image isnt super clear. The striped background reads as an american flag. that wasnt necessarily what i was i was going for...but i like the effect, so if thats what you see its alright with me. he kinda looks like he has a 'dont tread on me' disposition anyway.

also, a couple work-in-progress images...
not a big fan of the pencil sketch i put down on the canvas. i've been drawing with this waxy, black pencil that doesnt erase, so i have to fix my mistakes in paint. look at these eyebrows........bad.

it doesnt help that i generally dont know where im going with it until im deep into the painting phase. for example, i had no idea what the background would be at this point, just a general sense of how i wanted it to be lit (as you can see with the hatching in the background, as well as the 'spotlight' behind the guy).

then a little paint


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