Sunday, February 27, 2011

skateboard lincoln - final

and here is the finished skateboard lincoln. its hanging on the wall in my dining room. i used this waxy black pencil for the original sketch and then painted with guache (gouache?). i never use guache so it was interesting and different.

hopefully you can tell what this is. the concept is lincoln's decapitated head in a jar of preserving liquid (formaldahyde?). his hat is on top of the jar, and his tie is tied around the lower part of the jar. a guy at work suggested i go with a lincoln themed skateboard. i didnt want to be TOO direct with a straight portrait, so i thought this would be a decent twist. overall i like it.

the image on the right was put together in photoshop using photos taken in my dimly lit apartment. needless to say, the colors look better/more vibrant in person. maybe ill go back and try to correct some of the levels and colors. maybe

1 comment:

  1. It reminds me of Futurama...only more morbid. Looks awesome!
